The Final Countdown

The Events of the Day

After weeks of hard work and deliberation we have finally arrived to the final day. Where we would face off against the other robots in our course and see who has assembled the best performing robot. On the final day much of our robot was assembled and ready to go. Gareth had assembled the main body for the beast and i had prepared a strip board that replaced the much heavier bread board. A lot of things were going to plan, apart from some minor set backs like blowing one of our IR sensors and the fact that our range finder wasn’t working the same as it was previously. We struggled through however  for the majority of the morning, fixing errors and constructing what looked like a fairly decent robot at this stage. The only thing we had to do was put some work into our code to make sure everything was working correctly, easy enough as we were using a very similar set up to Ted. But unfortunately somewhere along the way our MSP430 got blown whether it be to my bad soldering on the back of the strip board or because some pins were accidentally shorted by some external source, either way it wasn’t working. What was worse was that our robot was due to fight! We couldn’t find a spare MSP430 anywhere and even if we did we had no idea if the code we had would run properly as we had no time to test it. We eventually had lost two of our three matches, so I decided to hook one of the motors directly up to the wheels so at least we could compete in one match. Both robots eventually span around and nothing came of the match. We were kicked out of the top 8 and failed to progress to the next round. A sad day for Derek but I wasn’t all too bothered as I had gained a vast amount of knowledge from the experience. Not only knowledge about intricate circuits and programming for microprocessors but also knowledge about working as part of a team, making compromises in terms of the design and our tactics and also balancing work loads. I really enjoyed this module despite the issue at the start where our team was taken apart and formed into two separate teams to accommodate new students. It has definitely given me a greater insight into electronic engineering and I am seriously considering proceeding with it in year two.

The Circuit

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The Code

// Rangefinder navigation with colour sensor
// Code is for MSP430G2553
// Last updated 30-11-2014

#include <msp430.h>

// function prototypes
void setup();
void set_motors(int left_speed, int right_speed);
int get_distance();

// main function
int main( void )

// call setup function to configure microcontroller

if (get_distance() > 50) // if there is nothing in front of it but detects white line, reverse
P2OUT = 0b00010010;

else // else it is being pushed to white line so push back
P2OUT = 0b00001001;
__delay_cycles(3000000); // for 1.5 secs
}while((P1IN & 0b00100000) < 1); // do this if the robot detects white

// implement robot behaviour

// is distance greater than 500mm?
if (get_distance() > 500)
// yes, so spin around looking for enemy
P2OUT = 0b00010001;
// no, so enemy is straight ahead
P2OUT = 0b00001001;
}while(P1IN & 0b00100000); // do this if the robot detects no white


return 0;

// This function configures the microcontroller. It disables the
// watchdog timer, configures digital i/o, sets up Timer_A0 for
// measuring the duration of the rangefinder echo pulse, sets up
// Timer_A1 for motor PWM, and enables the internal pull up
// resistor on digital input P1.6.
void setup()
// stop watchdog timer to prevent time out reset

// configure digital inputs and outputs
P1OUT = 0b00000000; // set P1.0-7 low
P1DIR = 0b10000001; // set P1.0, P1.7 as outputs
P2OUT = 0b00000000; // set P2.0-7 low
P2SEL = 0b00100100; // set pin 10 as TA1.1, pin 13 as TA1.2
P2DIR = 0b00111111; // set P2.0-5 as outputs

// configure Timer_A1 for motor PWM
TA1CTL = TASSEL_2 + ID_0 + MC_1; // Timer_A1: SMCLK clock, input divider=1, "up" mode
TA1CCR0 = 1000; // set Timer_A1 period to 1ms for 1kHz PWM
TA1CCR1 = 1000; // 100% duty cycle initially
TA1CCR2 = 1000; // 100% duty cycle initially
TA1CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7; // select "Reset/Set" output mode
TA1CCTL2 = OUTMOD_7; // select "Reset/Set" output mode

// configure Timer_A0 for measuring rangefinder echo pulse
// select SMCLK clock, input divider=1, "continuous" mode
TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + ID_0 + MC_2;

// enable pull up resistor on P1.6 for rangefinder echo
P1OUT |= BIT6;
P1REN |= BIT6;

// This function sets the speed and direction of both motors. The
// first argument controls the left motor. The second argument
// controls the right motor. Each argument can be any integer between
// -100 and +100, where -100 is full speed reverse. +100 is full speed
// forwards.
void set_motors(int left_speed, int right_speed)
// work out P2OUT value for requested directions
int p2out_value = 0;
if (left_speed > 0) p2out_value += 0b00000001;
if (left_speed < 0) p2out_value += 0b00000010;
if (right_speed > 0) p2out_value += 0b00001000;
if (right_speed < 0) p2out_value += 0b00010000;

// clamp motor speed to allowed range
if (left_speed > 100) left_speed = 100;
if (left_speed < -100) left_speed = -100;
if (right_speed > 100) right_speed = 100;
if (right_speed < -100) right_speed = -100;

// set motor directions and speeds
P2OUT = p2out_value;
TA1CCR1 = 10 * left_speed;
TA1CCR2 = 10 * right_speed;

// This function measures the distance in mm to the nearest object
// using the rangefinder.
int get_distance()
// send trigger pulse
P1OUT |= BIT7;
P1OUT &= ~BIT7;

// measure echo pulse duration
TA0CTL |= TACLR; // reset timer
while ((P1IN & BIT6) == 0 && TA0R < 12000); // wait for start of echo pulse
TA0CTL |= TACLR; // reset timer
while ((P1IN & BIT6) > 0 && TA0R < 12000); // wait for end of echo pulse
return (TA0R / 6); // return the distance in mm

Race To The Wall

On the 22nd of October every team that was a part  of the RoboSumo design project had to participate or attempt to participate in race to the wall. This required the robot to drive forward hit a wall reverse and then stop on a white line, breaking a beam of light that determined the time for the run.

The Code

During the preparation my team and I ran into a few problems. Coding which was up to myself  seemed to be going OK with a few snag here and there. I was at first using the set motors function that was supplied to us at the start of the RoboSlam project, but after a few bugs and myself and Gareth getting horribly confused we eventually reverted to doing everything out in there respective pins and in stages. This made things a little clearer at the time for Emma to help us and get everything working. In the end the issue we had was that our pull down resistor was after which means that the output was not how we had previously thought.

// Race to the wall //Writen by Ciaran O'Connor //Last modified:22/10/2014 #include //void GoForwards(void); // main function int main( void ) { // stop watchdog timer to prevent timeout reset WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // configure digital inputs and outputs P1DIR = 0b00000001; P2DIR = 0b00011011; // set P2.0 P2.1 P2.3 P2.4 as outputs // P1IN & 0b00000110; // set P1.1-2 into a variable __delay_cycles(2000000); // starting delay of 2 seconds while(1) { if ((P1IN & 0b00100000)>0) // if detection wall by touching { do { P2OUT = 0b00010010; // go backward P1OUT &= 0b11111110; // LED OFF } while((P1IN & 0b01000000) >0); // while black line NOT detected } else if (((P1IN & 0b01000000)==0 )&& ((P2OUT & 0b00000010) >0)) // if Black line detected and robot going backward { P2OUT = 0; // stop motor on the line __delay_cycles(8000000); // for 8 seconds P2OUT = 0b00010010; // go backward __delay_cycles(1000000); // for 1 second } else if(( (P1IN & 0b00100000)==0 )&& ((P1IN & 0b01000000)>0)) { P2OUT = 0b00001001; // go forwards( until wall detection ) P1OUT |= 0b00000001; // LED ON } } return 0; }  

The Build

The main structure for our robot was everybody’s collaboration but Gareth was in charge of design. He had the main base for the robot built out of a piece of plastic and some wood on which the motors where attached, the rest of the robot was then crudely taped on in no particular fashion as we were  bit stuck for time after hours of dissembling and reassembling. We have some really good ideas for our main design but I fear to put them up too soon, as I have heard rumours of infidéls  searching through opponents Blogs to source intel.

The Circuit

The circuit was kept very basics as not to cause confusion. It consists of a basic switch and IR sensor that are across around 3.3 volts. Then the regular motor setup.

Featured image

DAY 1-RoboSlam


When we were first introduced to the Robo sumo design project we were stuck with a day long course called Roboslam, which is where you get the basics of a robot working. Everyone was immediately interested with the project and its outline. We were given a bag of components including LEDs, Resistors, Motor, wheels, Wires. But by far the most intriguing component was the MSP430. We assembled our robot according to the instructions and managed to get first off the LED on the bread boarding blinking, and furthermore we got the robot moving in a zigzag fashion. Next week is getting it to move in a predetermined direction and maneuvering effectively.


MSP430 & Energia

The MSP430 is a mixed-signal controller family from Texas Instruments. Built around a 16-bit CPU, the MSP430 is designed for low cost and, specifically, low power consumption embedded applications. The MSP430 immediately struck me as a very powerful tool in the creation of this project. The chip is programmed through a launch pad. You can control the input and output pins and code it to perform various tasks this way using the C programming language. The C programming language is widely used and lots of information to be found on it online. While researching programming for the MSP430 I came across a program called Energia. Energia is an open-source electronics prototyping platform started by Robert Wessels in January of 2012 with the goal to bring the Wiring and Arduino framework to the Texas Instruments MSP430 based LaunchPad. This was great as I had worked with Arduino before and the framework before. The more I looked into it the more I found this could be of great value to me in the later stage of the project. For now all the code had been fed to us and we were doing some classes to try and understand the C that was being used, which was very helpful and gave me a greater understanding of how the chip worked. So for now I don’t need this program but I have a feeling it may come in useful.